Author: lmacphail

Welcome Back!

Its a new school year and we can’t wait to get cracking! We welcome two new teachers, Jade Heron in P2H and Ruaridh Wood in P5. We can already tell these two additions are...

Tayside Winners!

Our incredible Glee choir sang their hearts out at the regional finals and we WON! Thanks to all who supported this journey, particularly Mrs Lowden and Miss Curran.

New Parent Council Chair appointed

Last night at our parent council meeting, a new chair was appointed. This is Neil Lowden, parent of Aoife (p6) and Darragh(P1). Thank you to those who attended, nominated Neil and seconded the decision....

In-Service Day Training

Our staff team were joined by the teams from St. Clement’s Primary, St. Mary’s Primary/Nursery and Woodlea Nursery. We shared information about relationships and behaviour support and worked on trauma informed practice. It was...