Author: lmacphail

Lexi Retirement

Unfortunately, Lexi had to retire due to ill health at the age of 12. The children have loved her, and she has loved them. Thank you for all the cards and gifts. x

Karate Queen!

Well done to Imogen for her success in a karate competition. Can you believe this girl is a black belt?!!!! We are so proud of her.

Welcome to the team!

Mrs Lowden will begin her maternity leave on 25th April. While she is on leave and after a very competitive interview process, we are delighted to welcome Jenny Fleming as acting DHT. Jenny is...

Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is hugely important to us in driving forward improvement in our school. Our JLT (junior leadership team) created a pupil survey and collated the results. They are going to look deeper into...

HWB Team Update

Our health and wellbeing team, with the support of Mr. McCormack, have been working hard to collate data about club participation and wider achievement and have been thinking about how we can improve this....