Pupil voice is hugely important to us in driving forward improvement in our school. Our JLT (junior leadership team) created a pupil survey and collated the results. They are going to look deeper into...
Our health and wellbeing team, with the support of Mr. McCormack, have been working hard to collate data about club participation and wider achievement and have been thinking about how we can improve this....
Our pupil voice groups are now up and running! We have a Junior Leadership Team, a Rights Respecting Schools group, a Health and Wellbeing team and Play Leaders. These young people put themselves forward...
Our focus for this term is wellbeing. After a long period away from school in lockdown, it takes time to get the children feeling ready to learn and emotionally strong. P5 have been using...
Thank you for inviting us to be your guest singers tonight at the West End light switch on. I was so proud of our choir and Mrs Lowden/Miss Curran. What amazing young people and staff we have 💚