Latest News Blog

New Parent Council Chair appointed

Last night at our parent council meeting, a new chair was appointed. This is Neil Lowden, parent of Aoife (p6) and Darragh(P1). Thank you to those who attended, nominated Neil and seconded the decision....

In-Service Day Training

Our staff team were joined by the teams from St. Clement’s Primary, St. Mary’s Primary/Nursery and Woodlea Nursery. We shared information about relationships and behaviour support and worked on trauma informed practice. It was...

Lexi Retirement

Unfortunately, Lexi had to retire due to ill health at the age of 12. The children have loved her, and she has loved them. Thank you for all the cards and gifts. x

Karate Queen!

Well done to Imogen for her success in a karate competition. Can you believe this girl is a black belt?!!!! We are so proud of her.

Welcome to the team!

Mrs Lowden will begin her maternity leave on 25th April. While she is on leave and after a very competitive interview process, we are delighted to welcome Jenny Fleming as acting DHT. Jenny is...